Maleia Tbileh

Marketing Specialist/Graphic Designer/Videographer
Maleia is a creative strategist with diverse industry experience ranging from the medical field, to food, beauty and much in between. She has an eye for current design and video trends to ensure your brand captures your audience. In the beginning of her career, Maleia worked for start-up and small businesses. She watched her bosses get creative to bring in business, and also saw the pitfalls from not staying up to date with how consumers interact with the market. As time went on, Maleia worked for corporate companies with corporate budgets and learned some of the differences that kept big business, big. It is not always about how much money a business has, but it is always about what a company does with it, that makes the difference. Maleia also brings experience from her role in leading a program built for new and emerging entrepreneurs; she uses this information to inform design, video presentation and market trend knowledge.

Skills & Endorsements

  • Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Time Management
  • Teamwork
  • Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Sales
  • Start-ups
  • Social Media Marketing
  • HubSpot CMS
  • Leadership
  • Business Strategy
  • Social Media
  • Project Management

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